Knowledge Base

Note: Since this project was designed for my client's internal systems, I can't show screenshots of the real thing. The sample here is a mockup that represents the type of work I did, and contains no proprietary information or designs belonging to the client.

Challenge: Sweetwater's IT department leadership wanted to reduce common support tickets and free up bandwidth for their desktop support team. At the time, leadership also pushed for more personalized end-user communications to add more dimension to general staff's relationship with IT. 

Solution: Build an IT knowledge base that 1) offers simple solutions to general staff's most common problems and 2) puts users at ease with simple navigation and a friendly tone. 

My Contributions: 

Outcome: We have a knowledge base with 110 articles and counting. It's the de facto staging area for company-wide change communication, with teams across the department leaning on the knowledge base to teach staff about new security policies, software, phone systems, and more. 

Knowledgebase Mockup.pdf